Thursday, December 13, 2007

DIMMAK Wants To Party In Your Town

From the DIMMAK newsletter
We've had lots of fun parties so far in 2007 and we want to have even more in 2008 And this time, we want to take it on the ROAD! We really want to party with all you peeps outside of our hometown of LA. We want to come to your town and do parties like we do here in LA. What are some of the most awesome party cities? Are there lots of Dim Mak'ers in your town? Are you starving for some serious crazy dance party and hot hot bands? We are leaving it in your hands! Tell us why your city rules and suggest a hot club too and you just might see us in 2008! We are down to go to ANY city, population 10 million or 10,000! Email us at with the subject "Come Party in My Town" and tell us the name of your city, why it would be awesome for a Dim Mak party and suggest a cool bar/club. Gracias!"

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