Thursday, January 7, 2010

[Spotlight artist] Motorflower - SIX40THREE (6:43)

Sometimes you just hear a band that you've never heard of before, and then wonder why you haven't. This video/music track from Motorflower is one of those bands.

This track was recommended to me, and now I'm recommending all of you to check out the video below and the band's other music. Motorflower was conceived and born in May 1997, and the band makes its home in Boise, Idaho.

The bio from their site better explains the influences on the band's style:
"A band that spans a spectrum of influences that range from Led Zeppelin to The Foo Fighters to Stevie Ray Vaughn, Motorflower is a deliberate hard playing four piece combo with pop sensibility."
Thom Keithly: Voice / Guitar
Adam Schroeder: Guitar
Stephen Hall: Drums / Voice

Visit their Site:

or Listen to More tunes at their 
Recommended tune for further listening: "How It Goes"

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